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Isak Stoddard

Our host May 26,

Isak Stoddard is a PhD student in Natural Resources and Sustainable Development at Uppsala University. He was involved in the initial research that lead to the development of carbon budgets at the municipal and regional level in Sweden. 


2:00 pm CEST
(14:00 CEST)


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2:10 pm


Short welcoming words from organizers: Klimatledarskapsnoden at Uppsala University, Klimatsekretariatet,


Overview of the agenda for the 3 days, and for today.


Keynote by Kevin Anderson

2:15 pm

This presentation will explain how the language of net-zero seriously downplays the scale of mitigation necessary to deliver on our Paris temperature and equity commitments, and how, if we’re serious about the ‘climate emergency’, we need a rapid shift to real-zero informed by fair and scientifically-robust carbon budgets.


2:45 pm


3:00 pm


Discussion + Q&A


Pause 15 min


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Kevin Anderson, Professor of Climate and Energy at the Universities of Uppsala, Manchester and Bergen.

Rapid Mitigation?

3:15 pm


Translating the Paris Agreement into local climate change goals – an international outlook


One of the first steps in tackling climate change is to understand what the scale and immediacy of this global problem means for local action. The Tyndall Centre are working with the Carbon Disclosure Project and Klimatsekretariatet to develop a tool for cities, municipalities and regions around the world to do this, based on a model for setting science-based, Paris Agreement aligned carbon budgets used by cities in the UK.


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Christopher Jones,
Research Fellow, Tyndall Centre, University of Manchester

Municipal and regional carbon budgets as a tool for local climate transition: Examples from Nyköping, Järfälla and Västra Götaland


This presentation briefly covers some main takeaways from two master’s theses conducted during the spring 2021 focusing on the implementation of local carbon budgets in Sweden. It aims to spark a discussion on what stories of change and governmentality that local carbon budgets can encourage.



Sanna Gunnarsson, Master Student in Sustainable Urban Planning and Design (KTH) and investigator/ developer in Tierp

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Derek Garfield, Master Student in Sustainable Development at Uppsala University

Swedish Just Transition: With, For, or Against Union Workers?


Since the Paris Agreement 2015, ‘just transition’ to a fossil free future is being advocated across a broad political spectrum, albeit with greatly differing interpretations on how it is to come about.  Johan Gärdebo details how Swedish union representatives from the country's three largest industrial emitters (steel, cement, oil) reflect on what constitutes a ‘just transition’ for the places where they live and work.


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Johan Gärdebo, Postdoc researcher, Environmental Change, University of Linköping

From carbon budgets to societal transformations – barriers and drivers


This brief presentation highlights how science denial and decision-making criteria impede transformative policies, and elaborates on counteracting strategies.

4:00 pm


4:20 pm


Break out session with your theme of choice, based on the above presentations.


Pause 10 min


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Mikael Karlsson, Senior Lecturer in Climate Change Leadership, Department of Earth Sciences, Uppsala university

Panel Discussion

4:30 pm


Opportunities and limitations of carbon budgets and science-based approaches to societal transition

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Kevin Anderson is Professor of Energy and Climate with joint chairs at the universities of Manchester, Uppsala and Bergen. Kevin has made key contributions to the development of Paris-compliant carbon budgets at the local to national level in the U.K, Sweden and beyond. 


Carly McLachlan is Deputy Director of the Tyndall Centre and Professor of climate and energy policy at the University of Manchester. Her interdisciplinary and policy-related research focuses on how stakeholders engage with energy and sustainability issues, and how 'evidence' is used within this, including the development of carbon budgets and setting mitigation targets for cities. 

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Stefania Barca is the current Zennström Professor in Climate Change Leadership at Uppsala University.  A scholar in Environmental Humanities with a strong commitment to environmental and climate justice, her current projects aim to better understand the relationship between care and the politics of Just Transition, and explore decolonialised approaches to climate change discourses.

Martin Wetterstedt (fotograt Gabriel Gum

Martin Wetterstedt is a researcher and practitioner employed at Uppsala University and the Mälardalen Energy Agency, working at the interface between the research and practice of energy transitions and climate mitigation. He is currently part of Uppsala municipality’s Viable Cities project aiming to build a local roadmap for a Climate Neutral 2030, a project on a digital carbon budget tool run by the Tyndall Centre and a project on Climate Budgets at University of Bergen.

4:55 pm


5:00 pm


Summary of day 1 and brief outlook into day 2 and 3.

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